Breakout caviar

Breakout salted caviar (piecemeal or yellow) is a delicacy that is produced at our enterprise based on the caviar of such types of fish as pike, cod, pollock, herring and capelin. Only sturgeon and salmon caviar are considered to be delicacy caviar, which is in vain. After all, partial caviar is an amazing product that is in no way inferior in taste to black or red caviar, and at the same time has a high nutritional value, and one of the main characteristics of salted caviar is its availability, which in turn helps us diversify our daily diet.

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  • Herring roe
  • Capelin caviar
  • Fish caviar
  • Pollock / cod / pike caviar


  • 26.png

    Herring roe 220 g glass jar

    Herring roe

    Unscreened herring roe in oil 220 g (220 grams glass jar) Manufactured in accordance with specifications. Made from frozen raw materials. Vacuum-packed

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  • 19.png

    Cod roe

    Pollock / cod / pike caviar

    Screened salted pasteurized cod roe (130 grams tin can) Manufactured in accordance with company standard. Made from frozen raw materials. Vacuum-packed

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  • 18.png

    Pollock roe

    Pollock / cod / pike caviar

    Screened salted pasteurized pollock roe (130 grams tin can) Manufactured in accordance with company standard. Made from frozen raw materials. Vacuum-packed

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    Pike roe

    Pollock / cod / pike caviar

    Screened salted pasteurized pike roe (112 grams glass jar) Manufactured in accordance with company standard. Made from frozen raw materials. Vacuum-packed

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    Herring roe 3.1 kg plastic tub

    Herring roe

    Unscreened salted herring roe in oil 3.1 kg (3,100 grams plastic tub) Manufactured in accordance with specifications. Made from frozen raw materials. Vacuum-packed

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    Classic capelin roe

    Capelin caviar

    Classic capelin roe in mayonnaise-based sauce (180 grams glass jar) Manufactured in accordance with specifications. Made from frozen raw materials. Vacuum-packed

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  • Икра мойвы подкопченная.png

    Lightly smoked capelin roe

    Capelin caviar

    Lightly smoked capelin roe in mayonnaise-based sauce (180 grams glass jar) Manufactured in accordance with specifications. Made from frozen raw materials. Vacuum-packed

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    Capelin roe with shrimp

    Capelin caviar

    Capelin roe with shrimp in mayonnaise-based sauce (180 grams glass jar) Manufactured in accordance with specifications. Made from frozen raw materials. Vacuum-packed

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  • 28.png

    Classic fish roe

    Fish caviar

    Caviar fish product. Salted unpasteurized fish roe in mayonnaise-based sauce Classic. (180 grams glass jar) Manufactured in accordance with specifications. Made from frozen raw materials. Vacuum-packed

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  • 29.png

    Lightly smoked fish roe

    Fish caviar

    Caviar fish product. Salted unpasteurized fish roe in mayonnaise-based sauce Lightly smoked. (180 grams glass jar) Manufactured in accordance with specifications. Made from frozen raw materials. Vacuum-packed

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  • 30.png

    Fish roe with shrimp

    Fish caviar

    Caviar fish product. Salted unpasteurized fish roe in mayonnaise-based sauce With shrimp. (180 grams glass jar) Manufactured in accordance with specifications. Made from frozen raw materials. Vacuum-packed

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  • 27.png

    Herring roe 180 g plastic tub

    Herring roe

    Unscreened salted herring roe in oil 180 g (180 grams plastic tub) Manufactured in accordance with specifications. Made from frozen raw materials. Vacuum-packed

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  • 25.png

    Herring roe 180 g glass jar

    Herring roe

    Unscreened salted herring roe in oil 180 g (180 grams glass jar) Manufactured in accordance with specifications. Made from frozen raw materials. Vacuum-packed

    Request wholesale price
By including dishes made from such caviar in your daily menu, you will only improve your health, because the main beneficial properties of this type of seafood are such as strengthening the immune system, increasing efficiency, normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system, preventing the development of diseases of the cardiovascular and circulatory system, and cell regeneration , activation of the brain, increased visual acuity, acceleration of metabolic processes in the body, prevention of the development of rickets in children, normalization of cholesterol levels, etc. And do not forget that you need to consume salted caviar within reasonable limits.
You can buy salted caviar of pike, cod, pollock, herring and capelin at our fish canning plant Russian Fish World LLC. The production of our caviar is carried out under conditions of maximum sterility, in which only manual labor is used at our enterprise, and each jar of finished products undergoes mandatory weight control. Breakout salted caviar is produced at the plant under its own brand “Russian Fish World” and is divided into types: natural, natural with the addition of vegetable oil, in fillings (in vegetable oil, in mayonnaise sauces); by type of processing: pasteurized, unpasteurized; by type of container: tin can with a key, glass jar, plastic jar.
To produce salted pike caviar, we use raw materials only from trusted manufacturers, having many years of experience working with reliable suppliers from Astrakhan and the Astrakhan region. In the production of cod and pollock caviar, we use raw materials from Far Eastern producers who freeze their products on fishing vessels or on special floating bases equipped with refrigeration units immediately after cutting freshly caught fish. Such raw materials undergo single freezing and retain high quality, taste and nutritional value.
The fish canning plant "Russian Fish World" LLC, having a full-scale production capacity, produces products from herring eggs of its own production, receiving raw materials directly from cutting herring eggs at the enterprise. The maximum content of caviar in Pacific herring is observed from April to mid-May. In our production we use herring caught during this period, which guarantees the high quality of such finished products as “herring caviar in oil”. Salted capelin caviar is produced at our plant in the form of finished products in mayonnaise sauces. You can purchase capelin caviar from us: classic, smoked, with shrimp.
Do you need to place an order for the supply of salted caviar from the manufacturer? Contact our sales department in any way convenient for you: 1. Leave a request on the official website of our company by filling out the feedback form; 2. Call the numbers listed on our website; 3. Send a request to the email indicated on the site; 4. Leave your request on our official pages on the social networks “VKontakte” or “Odnoklassniki”.
Buy punched salted caviar of pike, cod, pollock, herring and capelin at the Russian Fish World LLC fish processing plant, and you are guaranteed to purchase, without overpayment, in-demand, high-quality products with maximum preserved beneficial properties during the processing process. Leave a request for wholesale purchase directly

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